Sunday, April 12, 2009


My Saturday crew was due to arrive around 1:30 pm, but before that, I was out on the end of pier 39 taking photos of the race boats passing the end of the pier as they beat upwind against the flood current...

.... like this pair...

... and Joyride here with a solo skipper with other boats in the background.

The solo skipper on this race boat was peering around to look for traffic to avoid.

This small race boat was heading for the pier with one of the crew hiked way out on the starboard side.

The charter sloop RUBY motorsailed past the end of the pier--- first time I have seen her out on the bay this year.

Neighbor boat, Sea Treasure, was raising sails right in front of the pier, forcing the race boats to avoid her.

The race boats were beating back and forth upwind...

... heading for a windward mark somewhere to the west of us.

My crew, Rosemary, Michelle and kids, Bailey and Cameron, and Grandma visiting from Pennsylvania showed up at 1:30 p and we headed out of port shortly after, raising single reefed main just outside the marina and pulling out reefed jib before heading out into the central bay and sailing to the west on the southwest breeze.

Michelle has caught the sailing bug and is taking lessons from the Cal Sailing Club, so I let her have some helm practice as we sailed west for a while.

This catboat passed in front of us, heading toward the cityfront.

We eventually fell off toward the lee side of Alcatraz to head north to watch some of the race boats heading downwind under spinnaker and the nuisance rocket boat blasted past our bow.

Off in the north, in front of us, boats in the race were now heading downwind behind colorful spinnakers, like these two here.

We watched the race boats for a while and then tacked and headed back toward Alcatraz, had to turn on the engine to motor out of the lee of the island and back into the wind again, and then watched as this cutter sailboat headed our way.

Cameron refused a smile for this photo as he sat on Bailey's lap.

We beat toward the gate in variable breezes, and at one point this sailboat passed us to port with kids standing on the bow-- and we waved as they passed.

This lovely schooner flying main and jib only passed, heading toward Raccoon Straits, and a fleet of small boats racing.

We eventually sailed out the gate on starboard tack and very quickly arrived in big swells and stronger winds that put the port rail in the water and started beating us up, so we beat a hasty retreat and headed back inside with the crew happier to be sailing downwind and back under the GGB.

ADVENTURE CAT 2 sailed past us and headed out the gate, not that much bothered by the conditions out there due to her size and configuration.

The GGB and the Marin Headlands were beautiful as always in the strong afternoon sunshine.

Cameron was now all smiley as we sailed downwind toward home port.

Way off to starboard a fleet of sailboarders were having fun on the waters off Crissy Field.

This kiteboard shot past us, having fun blasting around on the bay waters....

... and heading toward the shore.

Off in front of the Ft. Mason piers, some dingies were racing and here heading upwind.

As we sailed past pier 45, I was surprised to have a trio of kiteboarders cross in front of us. Normally they are not playing around that far east on the bay.

Here one of them is heading west at high speed.

The city was enjoying brilliant sunshine as we approached home port.

The Rocket Boat blasted out of the west marina as we approached pier 39.

As we headed for the lee of pier 35 to douse sails, boat neighbor Chris passed in front of us on his Laser....

... and later tacked and headed our way, looking good.

We doused sail in the lee of pier 35 and then I allowed Bailey to steer as we motored around the pier toward the marina entrance. We motored in and landed fine.

A short while later, I headed over to North Beach to rendezvous with my hiking buddy for an evening city hike and we arrived along the waterfront at marina green just as the sun was setting into a fog bank on the horizon.

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